Anxiety Disorders
Stress is defined as “stress or tension”, and is the body’s response to physiological and psychological attacks, as well as pleasant or unpleasant emotions that require the person to adjust. Stress is considered abnormal if it creates problems in the daily functioning, in achieving goals or in the emotional calm of the person.
It is a fact that there is no person who has not felt anxious and there are many who develop some form of anxiety disorder whose symptoms torment them even when the original physical, mental or other stressful causes have been eliminated.
In particular, Simple Phobia is the most common Anxiety Disorder in the general population, while Panic Disorder is the most common in people seeking treatment. Other forms of Anxiety Disorder include Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
The symptoms of anxiety disorders are widespread. Indicatively we report symptoms such as tachycardia, dizziness, shortness of breath, shivering, sweating, sudden feelings of heat or chills, difficulty swallowing, difficulty sleeping, fear of death.
Taking careful consideration of the patient’s history, physical examination and clinical observations allows the psychiatrists of our clinic l to accurately diagnose the type of one’s disorder and to plan the correct treatment regimen. The administration of appropriate medication in combination with the application of behavioral techniques contribute significantly to the prevention of patients’ stress induced attacks.
Source: Nikos Manos (1988), Vasika Stoicheia Klinikis Psychiatrikis, University Studio Press